Bert Russell

Special Binomo Blog Contributor

Resides in

Santa Clara, California.


Bert holds a bachelor's degree in finance from Stanford University and a bachelor's degree in banking from the University of Southern California.


Bert covered elections around the world and wrote crypto news before starting a ten-year career at Dow Jones in 2011. Here he was editor-in-chief for markets, a producer, and a columnist. In addition, Bert analyzed securities and stocks, advised on investments, and covered international affairs.


Investments, Financial Markets, Business, Cryptocurrency, Economy, Personal Finance.

Personal interests

Investments, Online Business, Economics, International Relations, Journalism, Financial and Strategic Analysis.

Articles by Bert Russell

7 min
Pares de moedas exóticas: exemplos e estratégias
12 min
Carteiras cripto: 10 práticas recomendadas para armazenar e proteger criptomoedas
6 min
A negociação é mais arriscada do que o investimento de longo prazo?
10 min
Desvendando o poder da computação quântica: como ela pode mudar o mundo
6 min
Criptomoedas: negociar ou investir?
4 min
5 maneiras pelas quais a IA já é amplamente utilizada nos negócios

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