Lee Wei

Financial Analyst and Trading Strategist

Resides in

Columbus, Ohio


Lee holds a bachelor's degree in business administration from Bowling Green State University and a master's degree in business administration from Franklin University.


Lee Wei has 20 years of experience in investment, accounting, corporate finance, personal finance, and insurance. At the moment, he oversees the activities of an insurance company with an annual turnover of $1 billion. He is committed to a dynamic investment policy that aims to drive profits and support growth. His main job is to assess the possible risks associated with investments. In addition, he manages relationships with wealth managers and advisors, formulates asset allocation recommendations and strategies, and enforces investment laws. His areas of expertise include extensive experience in credit analysis, the development of multi-year financial forecasts, and the evaluation of capital budget proposals. In addition, Lee Wei has experience in providing investment and personal insurance services.


Corporate Finance, Trading, Investing, Accounting

Personal interests

Trading Strategies, Technical Analysis, Student Education

Articles by Lee Wei

5 min
Strategi range GBP-USD untuk trader
4 min
4 rencana trading sederhana dan singkat untuk trader pemula
5 min
Strategi cup and handle pengendalian risiko
6 min
Cara menggunakan strategi trading Martingale: panduan lengkap
5 min
Trading dengan oscillator: 6 praktik terbaik
6 min
6 alasan mengapa menguji ulang strategi perdagangan Anda sangat penting

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